About Us

Thurston ECO Network is a community of education, communication, and outreach professionals committed to working collaboratively to protect and enhance the health and vitality of the Thurston County region. We serve as a resource for professionals, the public, and policymakers for environmental and sustainability issues in Thurston County. We serve the greater community through our programs, partnerships, and technical expertise.

Our network formed in 1991 as the Environmental Education Technical Advisory Committee (EETAC). In 2014, our network launched an intensive group branding process that led to a single, new name of Thurston ECO Network. Staying true to our original goals, we further clarified our mission, vision, and identity.

Mission: To serve as a collaborative resource for education and outreach professionals, the public, and policymakers for environmental and sustainability issues in the Thurston County area.

Vision: Thurston ECO Network is recognized as the resource for environmental education, communication, and outreach professionals and the greater community. Our vision is a healthy environment for future generations.


Members represent a diverse cross-section of stakeholders that collaborate on education and outreach projects that improve environmental and community health. There are more than 200 members, representing non-profit organizations, community groups, learning centers, conservation districts, public and private schools, businesses,  government agencies, and individuals.

Members work on a wide variety of issues that positively impact the health of the Thurston County area, ranging from ecosystem restoration and environmental health to sustainable communities and healthy economies. We draw on the combined experience, skills, and community-level knowledge of local organizations and individuals while linking to and benefiting from regional resources.

Thurston ECO Network Goals:

  • Share information and expertise about education and outreach programs.
  • Facilitate and collaborate in providing community education and outreach.
  • Ensure consistent messaging and avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Enhance opportunities for partnerships.
  • Identify education and outreach needs in Thurston County.
  • Access professional development.
  • Provide guidance on local policies and plans with an environmental education and outreach component.
  • Act as a one-stop-shop for teachers and other community members looking for environmental and sustainability related presentations and programs.
  • Serve as a link between local education and outreach efforts and larger regional efforts such as the Puget Sound Partnership’s ECO Network and E3 Washington’s Regional Groups.

Puget Sound Partnership Support

In 2006, we became an ECO Net through the Puget Sound Partnership, joining twelve other chapters throughout the Puget Sound region. The ECO Network consisted of more than 500 member organizations working together to share resources, knowledge, and coordinate efforts to leverage and strengthen local programs for a greater community impact. Each local chapter had an elected Coordinator and regular meetings. The Puget Sound Partnership provided funding and program support to our network.