Use the guide to find science resources to supplement remote learning. Local environmental organizations have developed activities for all ages.
Capitol Land Trust
Enjoy a walk at a Capitol Land Trust nature preserve! From forested wetlands to saltmarshes and streams, our preserves protect and provide access to places that make South Puget Sound unique. Along your walk, keep your eyes, nose, and ears peeled for signs of wildlife.
Recommended for: all ages
Visit a Preserve
City of Olympia Parks
Become a City of Olympia Parks Junior Ranger by learning about forest creatures, habitat and stewardship! Download the guide, complete the activities, and contact us to get your official badge.
Recommended grades: 1-6
Junior Ranger
ECO-Schools USA – National Wildlife Federation
ECO-Schools USA presents a collection of virtual resources that rely on the natural world as the vehicle for learning. Resource additions are made monthly. For local support or virtual presentations, contact Courtney Sullivan at [email protected] and (206) 577-7175
Recommended grades: K-12
Virtual Classroom Resources
Nisqually Reach Nature Center
Take a family field trip to the beach. Reserve a marine science kit, then head out to the gorgeous Luhr Beach to see what you can find.
Recommended grades: K-10
Family Field Trip
Nisqually River Education Project
We’ve compiled and created resources to support the experiential learning topics: water quality, tree planting, salmon tossing, Eye On Nature, CLAMSS trips to Puget Sound beaches, and outdoor learning!
Recommended grades: 5-12
Experiential Learning Activities
Pacific Education Institute (PEI)
Find resources on environmental science topics including FieldSTEM guides, ready to go ELA/Science performance tasks, K-3 schoolyard investigations, Climate Science storylines, Drain Rangers curriculum, and much more!
Recommended grades: Pre-k-12
FieldSTEM Resources
Pacific Shellfish Institute
Learn plankton ID and discover what plankton tells us about local water quality. Follow along with biologists as they count baby crabs and identify the amazing marine life attracted to the light trap! Join the study by completing the Plot-Along-at-Home graph.
Recommended for: all ages
Plankton and Crab Tracking
Puget Sound Estuarium
Follow along to discover the wonders of an estuary with science experiments and worksheets. Visit their Facebook to learn more about live animal feedings!
Recommended grades: K-12
Estuary Education
South Sound Green
Each drop of water that falls in our watershed flows into one location. Explore what a watershed is and how we can protect it!
Recommended grades: K-8
Watershed Activities
Stream Team
Be mesmerized by local underwater marine critters, purple martins, and northwest bats! Check out monitoring opportunities and educational videos.
Recommended for: all ages
Hands-on Science
Thurston County Solid Waste
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Patch Program is designed to teach youth the meaning and potential actions behind the phrase reduce, reuse, and recycle. Youth can take action to take better care of their environment and neighborhood!
Recommended grades: 2-8
Earn Your RRR Patch
Washington Fish and Wildlife
Students explore Washington’s diverse wildlife and ecoregions through standards-aligned lessons. Students examine social, scientific, and economic issues concerning Washington’s wildlife and work together to find solutions. Each lesson includes resources for teachers to lead the activity in person or in a virtual setting.
Recommended grades: 3-12
Wild Washington
WET Science Center
Science can be done anywhere with the rotating themed activities and printable packets. Put on your scientist hat and you’ll be ready! Integrating science into a child’s learning can increase their curiosity while incorporating reading, writing, and math skills.
Recommended grades: K-6
Scientists on the Go
Wolf Haven
Go on a virtual visit to see the wolves of Wolf Haven, have a “Question and Answer” session with staff or volunteers, get wolf-related activities and games. Want more? Watch the documentary The Trouble with Wolves.
Recommended for: all ages
Wolf Knowledge